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How to get LABMDA in general (without it in lib.)

How to get LABMDA in general (without it in lib.)


_reason for using this way

Lambda is not a constant value in a short channel device (one of the reason for that is variable in the effective channel length(아; 영어는 어렵다.어쨌던 I want to get the IDEA only in the article J). Because of that we should have assumption before doing hand calculation.


_draw a CKT in a spice


*in P-spice


.lib 'SNU.LIB'TT


Vgs    g1    GND    1.2V

Vds    d1    GND    0V

M1     d1     g1     GND    GND    n_12_hsl130e     w=1u     l=0.13u




.dc     Vds     0     1.2     0.0001

.PROBE v(*) i(*)

.END                    *in H-spice


_simulate the CKT for getting Id_Vds curve



_getting LABMDA in VA (lambda = 1/va)


lambda is about 0.2378 (in the condition w=1u     l=0.13u)


VA about 4.205




_If there are any errs, NOT feel free to correct me. J

_I just want you to get idea from here.

_I am KOREAN and it could be not correct.

_However I got the idea from lab mate who is in analog design lab.